Polar Pals
Age – 4 years – 5 years
State Ratio – 1:12
MSS Ratio – 1:10
We are very excited to welcome you and your child to our classroom. We have a variety of fun and engaging activities planned each school year and are so eager to get started!!
Pre-K is such a fun filled and explorative year for your child. It is so nice to see the children become more familiar and comfortable with themselves, their peers and their environment.
Throughout our day, we strive to differentiate our lessons to meet each child’s individual learning style and level. This individualization allows the child to grow and perform at their highest potential. We will continue to reinforce letters and sounds, introduce the writing process, and reinforce numbers, patterns, sorting and problem solving all while providing ample time for free play.
Throughout the year, we implement the “Get Set for School” writing program along with Creative Curriculum studies. The Get Set for School program teaches the easiest writing skills first and then builds on that knowledge. Lessons are taught in a sequence that makes sense developmentally. There is no assumption of prior knowledge. After children master easier skills, they are ready to move on to more difficult lessons. The creators of Creative Curriculum believe that the best way to help children succeed is to teach them to be creative, confident thinkers. We practice this philosophy by offering them opportunities for hands-on exploration and discovery that help build lifelong critical thinking skills and foster confidence.
Your child will be experimenting with different manipulatives to strengthen their number sense, patterning, and sorting. We will also explore science concepts in our sensory table and through different art projects. Pre-K allows time for your child to continue developing fine motor skills with the use of scissors, lacing cards, writing/drawing and other various art activities.
We have a parent board just outside our classroom that will inform you of upcoming events at the center and classroom activities. It will include our schedule, weekly focus and the letter and number of the week. Each child will have a folder below the parent board that will store their daily work. Please check it daily and remove your child’s masterpieces.
We will have “show and tell” every Friday that will coincide with the letter or focus of the week and can be found on the parent board. If you are part-time and do not attend on Fridays, we encourage you to bring something in the last day of the week that you do attend.
We are so excited for another fun-filled and productive school year! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to stop by the classroom or give us a call!
Mrs. Emily